Making Quality Care A Priority

We strive to ensure that your experience at Orchard Hospital is as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Our first priority is to provide you with the care you need when you need it, with skill, compassion, and respect.

In this section, you will find information and tools that will inform you about the services and resources available to you and your loved ones before, during, or after a visit to Orchard Hospital.

Patient Portal Information

We are committed to making your experience as a patient as simple and helpful as it can possibly be. We provide you with the ability to access and review your own medical records by accessing your Electronic Health Record.

Price Transparency

Orchard Hospital’s Patient Price Estimator provides approximate out-of-pocket costs for a specific medical procedure or service. This pricing only includes the most common 300 medical services required by CMS.

Online Bill Pay

Orchard Hospital and Medical Specialty Center’s Online Bill Payment Service is a simple and secure way to pay bills, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Through this service, you can pay your medical bills.